Thursday, July 14, 2005


by Nizamuddin Ameerally

dedicated to: MJ

Mission Statement:

We are dedicated to finding and Partnering multiple peace projects on the internal plane with influence in the outer world to create inner world peace.

Why has there been no end to war and suffering in the world? It occurred to me that the leaders of the free and imprisoned world don’t have the answers to secure peace. If they did, they are facing obstacles that they cannot overcome. Perhaps it is not the right time. Timing is everything. When there reaches a critical mass of people on the planet who want peace, it will come. When enough people are awakened to the possibility and who have the belief that it can be done, then so shall it be done. Everything is within the realm of possibility. Wishing for peace, or hoping for peace is not the same thing as feeling or experiencing true and lasting peace.

Peace is a decision. It is also a process that can be brokered or mediated between two parties. Without mediation or arbitration peace and forgiveness have little or no chance. Peace occurs between individuals first and foremost. Peace then occurs between other people and the effect is multiplied in waves throughout the whole world. It can be a ripple effect, felt within each person and group. Creating peace is a multiplier effect. Doing it once between the right individuals can create or sustain peace at a much higher level. We each must become like God. We must desire to be closer. Come to him walking, God will come to you running. Each effort leverages the efforts of others who follow. Peace is about forgiveness. Peace is felt in the heart. Inner peace creates, outer peace. Give peace a chance and all the suffering and hardship will cease.

I find peace first within myself. Only then do I see ways of finding and brokering peace outside in the physical world. Everything first occurs on a much higher level, and less dense world of the Spirit. All the work is done within. Results cannot be achieved if the internal work is first done. That is why it is so crucial to find ways to grow and nurture peace within us. Personal growth, self-help and transformation are all ways that can be explored for the benefit of all others. Each one of us has potential impact on virtually everyone on the planet. I choose to serve a massive number of people. I am not limited by my geography or location, or my power to reach and have some effect. As Bob Scheinfeld says, it all occurs at an unconscious level. There is an invisible network, he says and we can all tap into the awesome power at our disposal. It is an invisible network of people or assistance that is available and one that is far more powerful than the Internet. Look at the power of the young Internet today, and imagine the possibilities of where we will be in the next ten years. We are all connected at a much deeper level. We are all going to the high country. In the book “Becoming Like God,” the author talks about transformative sharing and reduction of the ego.


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